Thursday, 20 September 2012


The rain was heavy when i left the house this morning to embark on my beach ride along to seacliff, by the time i reached the tyne estuary i was soaked, no worries though as i planned on getting a lot wetter, i stopped along the way to take a few pictures, this one is of wild fire reef

As i made an attempt to cross the river tyne the sand was very soft not unlike quicksand, and on my first attempt i sunk up to my knees, the rushing water of the river was almost up to my waist, but after some perseverance i eventually made it across.

 Another picture of the tyne estuary.

Drift wood is common here after a wet summer like we have just endured, the sand along the edge of the tyne was virtually unrideable even on a fat bike like the pugsley.

However once over the other side and the mussel beds gave fantastic firmness and grip, quite a contrast to the previous side of the river bank.

Once i made it across i stopped to take a picture of the bike, sometimes i still cannot believe it's possible to cycle on terrain like this, the surly pugsley is without doubt the best bike i have ever owned.

The crustaceans.

So i continued my cycle along the rugged coastline.

This is the wreak the ss ponderosa, the only visible part of the vessel left is the boilers.

A very enjoyable days riding on the coast, by the time i turned around and headed for home the rain was pouring and the wind had started to pick up from the north, it would be well after three in the afternoon before i made it home with tired legs, sleep will come easy tonight.

Here is a quick video of the days riding.